Tuesday 18 May 2010

Analog / Digital music

My last post was about portable players, but this time I would like to say few words about music format.

As we know most popular format of digital music is mp3. It's understanding, because one mp3 file size is not too big, and quality of sound is at acceptable level. But mp3s isn't one and only format.

Not very much known, but much better than mp3 is OGG. We can get this format in easy way. We need only CD record to rip music by some program, for example - foobar2k. OGG weight more than mp3s, but sound quality is much better and bitrate is higher. Almost every new portable player has OGG support. If we want same sound quality in digital files as on CD, we can simply rip to loseless format FLAC. This format is perfect for those, who want the best sound quality. Unfortunately, one song in FLAC size is even 50mb. If you want to have music in that format on our portable player, you must read carefully technical specs, because in these days not every player can play FLAC.

Obviously music formats is not only mp3, OGG or FLAC. There's much more of them, but today these are in use most. Digital formats were CDs, sometimes vinyls, casettes, everyone had "walkman". There were for important music only. Next "discmans", even with mp3 support.

Now almost everyone has mp3 player. We can rip music from CDs, but also we can buy songs on Internet, e.g. in iTunes Store or just download from an artist site (legally of course ;) like album "In Rainbows" by Radiohead in 2007, when people can download it and pay how much they like or none). So, what is the future off recording music? Sandisk thinks, that the future is in digital formats and microSD cards. Why? Because they made player with microSD slot and 0mb internal memory - Sansa SlotRadio. They think, that this cards will replace CDs in few years.

Vinyls is still in use, so what will be with CDs? What will be next? Will they invent something better and more popular than mp3/OGG/Flac?


  1. Observing music market and successes of stores like Apple I came to conclusion than in the nearest future music business will be based on digital distribution. Who needs physical carrier of music when you can get copy from Internet store in few seconds ? In addition you have not only faster access to music, but it is also cheapper and you can listen it in any device without cd/dvd reader. But I don't deny that it would be nice to have a large collection of original CD ablumes. At least you see that you own this music :)

    I think there will be progress in music formats. Probably better algorithms with lossless compression, HD quality and maybe reducing size of sound files - if it can be reconciled with quality enhancement.

  2. Downloading music from the internet (legally) is a milestone in my opinion. Music in this way we can be downloaded anywhere in the world (now that each cell has access to the Internet) even 10 minutes after it has been released. For purchase of a single track we will pay less so we will save our money - not everyone can please buy the whole CD, and does not want to spend $ 15 on a new album just to listen to the favorite track legally. As far as the transfer of music is concerned I "tolerate" only two formats - mp3 and wav. I also use a MicroSD card, because I can put them into the car radio, mp3 player, cell, computer, etc.

  3. I have some experience in composing a nice and affordable sound system. Personally I am into vintage electronics but I agree that digital formats is the future. Mainly because most of music today is in mp3 etc and unfortunately music companies haven’t noticed that they actually could earn more if albums would be cheaper. So in my opinion perfect sound system should contain:
    1. Transport ( like Logitech squeezebox, which lets you listen to your digital music and sends signal to DAC (it could have a web-based interface and wi-fi))
    2. DAC ( it’s a must. Separate DAC (digital to analog converter) can produce astonishing sound.
    3. Vintage amplifier. ( They are affordable and sound quality could be excellent)
    4. Speakers. ( as far as I can see no difference if they are new or old. Good speakers are generally expensive and its extremely difficult to work that around.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Flash cards/disks will be most popular music carrier in the future. We can save and delete files a plenty of time very quick and move on different player - portable, pc etc. The progress of technology is very big and at the moment we can buy a micro card with big memory. This is the next advantage of flash cards, cd or dvd has a space limitation.

  6. I agree with Tomek. I think that flash cards will become more popular. Maybe even in some time they will replace CDs.

  7. I have no idea what will be next, but I’m hoping there will be something and it will be much better. Who knows, maybe students from PJWSTK multimedia faculty will come up with new ideas.

  8. Rafał :
    Next thing will be something like VOD but for music.. actually we have it right now, if you want to listen to some music you download it and play.

    check this out

  9. I remeber the time when I was the only one in my neighbourhood with walkmen with radio and Mega Bass system. But it was a looong time ago.
    Now having flash card with big capacity, we can replace with them big vinyls or lots of cassettes. I think that they will replace CD's. My friend, who is scratching (using vinyls), says that even using recorded sound of it, it's not the same.
    I'm not very demanding, mp3 format is enough for me. But if in the future there will be format with better quality of sound and using the same/less space, I'm into it:)

  10. Even digital music is so popular these days, I'd rather listen to analog music from vinyls. Vinyl has got its unique, warm climate. It provides more emotions, while listening, then digital, dry sound from digital samples.

  11. I have a friend, an audiofile. He's a usic freak :) once he showed me head to head difference against digital cd & amplfiier and a stereo lamp & vinyl player with amp. Switching constantly from one to another (and the digital equipment was high-end to) I can really tell a difference. First of all vinyl is louder, and more smooth than digital cds. It's sad that such an equimpemnt costs around a medium class car. :(

  12. Yes, vinyls are still on the roll. But they are analog format. There is sentiment for it. But for cd? cd is just digital media storage. it is worse than dvd, and blueray. So why would it be legendary like vinyl? It looks the same as dvd and blueray, there is nothing in its physical form that makes it think you about past..
