Tuesday 18 May 2010

Laugh is health - PART III

In this part of my presentation, I would like to present few from many polish cabarets and polish series “Spadkobiercy”. I think you would agree that in Poland we have many talented comedians, not only in cabarets but also in stand-up’s. At this point I mean Marcin Daniec, Maciej Stuhr or Cezary Pazura. I couldn’t mention Daniec not remembering about this

I bet you have seen it before but if not, you should watch whole three parts.

Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju

In this cabaret we can see five people: Robert Górski, Przemek Borkowski, Mikołaj Cieślak, Rafał Zbieć and Kasia Pakosińska. All five of them is great, but personally I prefer Robert and Kasia. Also Mikołaj is great, especially with his facial expression. In my opinion the best sketches are Wizyta Księdza and Drzwi. Here you can see one of them

Ani Mru Mru

Not everyone knows that at the beginning in 1999 there were four people in this cabaret: Joanna Kolibska, Grzegorz Tatara, Maciej Wojnarowski and Marcin Wójcik which is the originator. Later, in 2001 team changed – Marcin Wójcik and Janusz Bronkiewicz stayed and Michał Wójcik was invited as a mime. They are cracking people up this whole time and I think they are still object of interest after all those years. I guess that most people have seen great sketch Maciej i Smok (or Król I Wieśniak) or Otwarcie Supermarketu, but have you seen great sketch Dylemat Studenta? Very good one and not only for students 


This series is to be the some kind of polish version of WLIIA. Base for this show is no script – actors just before entering the scene are told to who and on what subject they have to speak, also the scene-ending sentence is known. The series takes place in Los Angeles in rich Owens family. It is rather improvised soap opera, but still great comedians (Robert Górski, Marcin Wójcik, Michał Wójcik, Grzegorz Halama, Piotr Bałtroczyk, Artur Andrus, Maria Czubaszek, Roman Żurek, Joanna Kołaczkowska, Wojciech Kamiński, Janusz Rewers, Agnieszka Litwin, Tomasz Łupak, Wojciech Tremiszewski and Marek Grabie) make it very funny.
Here you may see mix of bloopers

I also heard that TVP2 is planning to make something more similar to WLIIA, but it was unconfirmed. Maybe somebody knows something about that?

Which is your favorite polish cabaret?


  1. I also heard that TVP2 is planning to make something more similar to WLIIA, but it was unconfirmed. Maybe somebody knows something about that?

    I don't know for sure, but wikipedia reports that the realization of the polish version of the WLIIA was canceled.

    Which is your favorite polish cabaret?

    My favourite cabaret is Ani Mru Mru and my favourite polish comedian is Maciej Stuhr.

  2. I also heard TVP2 that is planning to make something more WLIIA Similar to, but it was UNCONFIRMED. Maybe somebody knows something about that?

    Unfortunately I am not in the subject, here is the only information which I found on this topic:
    W lipcu 2009r. pojawiła się informacja, że TVP2 planuje produkcje polskiej wersji "Whose line?" pod nazwą "Lama" (pierwowzór programu "Whose Line?" nazywał się "De Lama's"). Jednak we wrześniu 2009 okazało się, że do realizacji projektu nie dojdzie. Informacje te przekazał rzecznik TVP Daniel Jabłoński:
    "Przy pracy nad ramówką jesienną braliśmy pod uwagę różne formaty rozrywkowe, w tym również , ale ostatecznie zdecydowaliśmy się na cykl z udziałem naszych artystów kabaretowych ."

    Which is your polish cabaret favorite? Well I cannot decide :) I like to watch Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju, Polish comedians, Neon, Paranienormalnych ... If I had to choose one but, i would be KMN, though the choice would be quite difficult, because each one amuses me to tears.

  3. To be honest, I don’t really like any of them. They are so not in the league with English ones. As I commented before Eddie Izzard is far the best. ;o)

  4. Polish cabarets are really cool. For me the best one is Paranienormalny and their sketch 'Mariolka'.

  5. Definitely my favorite one is Ani Mru Mru. I've seen them couple of times performing live and although I've heard those sketches dozens of times they always make me laugh.

  6. I don’t have a favorite polish cabaret, but I like to watch one from time to time. I think that there’s one simple rule about those cabarets – they are good when they make you laugh a lot.

  7. I don't have a favorite polish cabaret too, however I must recommend movie "Hi way" ;)

    or independent polish movie film "Licencja na zaliczanie".
    In my opinion they're somehow better

  8. Like Jakub mentioned, I also think that the best polish cabaret is Ani Mru Mru. If think that their sketches has changed polish cabaret scene and made it more modern.

  9. I think in Poland, the cabaret/cabareton is at very high level compared to other countries. I can really be an expert on it, since i don't know the culture of other countries and what really make people laugh. But from i heard and seen on tv the cabaret in poland was a really inteligent and well polished.
